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Past & Future Diary Event - Phase 2 and The Beloved Sleeping Flower - Reissue + New Reissue Priority Gacha is now LIVE. Don't forget to check the Lantana (Festival), Setaria (Festival) and Tassel Flower in the Reissue Priority Gacha! 01/16/2019 02:01 PM Hi all,

Today maintenance update:
- Past & Future Diary Event - Phase 2
- The Beloved Sleeping Flower - Reissue + New Reissue Priority Gacha
- Campaign Mission Kiruk Ruins (34)

Upcoming Gachas:
- Best Memories (17.01 - 22.01)

Upcoming new DDSs!

- Almost every issue you wrote about it in the "Issue Reports" was passed down to our QA team to create tasks and make(force) devs to fix them :D
- Event BG Music

Flower Knight Team